Open Day on Summer Event Plan

9th February 2019

Event Details:

Booking: Main Hall

Event Date(s): Sat 09 Feb 2019

Event Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Event Host:

Event Type: Public


We would like to invite you all to an open day on Saturday 9th of February at 11 am at Metfield Village Hall.

We are planning a 3-day event on the 5,6 and 7th of July with all the proceeds going to St John the Baptist Church, Metfield Village Hall and the defibrillator fund.

We will need as many volunteers as possible so please come on 9th February and put your name down to help.

What we are planning:
Flower festival
Art exhibition
Craft fair
Open gardens
Beer cider and gin festival
Games on the Meadow
Music and stalls on the Meadow
Afternoon teas
Church service

And much more!!
We are beavering away already to get things ready we just need help!
If you can’t make that day but would like to help, please ring
Chris Williams 01379586560 Lorraine McEvoy 01379586307
All ideas welcome.