Metfield Allotments

Metfield Allotments are owned by Metfield United Charities which offers whole or part plots for an annual fee.

Separately Metfield Association of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners (MAALG), formed in 2008, has over 30 members comprising a mix of allotment holders and leisure gardeners.

MAALG membership is currently £5.50 per year. Benefits to members include 40% off Kings seeds and 10% off plants from Hattens Nursery.

The broad aims of the Association are to:

  • unite people with a common interest in gardening
  • organise speakers and social events
  • raise money for projects identified by members
  • encourage more people to engage in an outdoor lifestyle and promote fresh, local produce

If you would like to know more about MAALG drop by the Allotments on Christmas Lane and have a chat or see the notice in Community Shed for contact details.

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