Community Cafe

4th November 2023

Event Details:

Booking: Main Hall

Event Date(s): Sat 04 Nov 2023

Event Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Event Host: Village Hall Committee

Event Type: Public


Hosted by Metfield Community Cafe, come and enjoy a breakfast bap and real coffee or tea and coffee on the first Saturday of every month.

Produce and craftwork stalls including Debbie & Frankie’s fabulous cards, Teresa’s homemade preserves.

There will also be a book exchange and a free cycle table but please take home anything that does not find a new owner.

This month’s Raffle in aid of the Metfield Amateur Drama Society “Cinderella”, this Christmas pants.

Note also the monthly litter pick from 10:00am.  Equipment will be available.  All volunteer helpers welcome and much appreciated.

More information and offers to help to:

Lorraine – 01379 586307
Chris – 01379 586560
Lynda – 01379 588170